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Guided City Sightseeing, Pedicab Touring Services, of Salt Lake City, Utah: The Wheel Deal: Eco-Friendly, Human-powered transportation, Zero Emissions. Nurturing connections and creating cherished memories!

Experience Salt Lake City like you never have before. 👀 From a bike carriage speed perspective; slow and steady. 🐌🐢

Whether you’re seeking historical religious artifacts or modern art murals for your photo documentary of our beautiful city.

Our bike carriage tours are customizable to your satisfaction!

$90/90 minute Salt Lake City Tours: per Person

Year-round Tour Services

About the tour:

Your local guide will lead you on a historical adventure of how this town journeyed to be the great city that it is today.

You’ll be given the opportunity to take amazing photos of landmark locations, throughout the city on this tour, for your photo documentary journal.

Salt Lake City’s deepest, dark secrets are hidden and unlocked within this storyline. Be sure not to miss out on this enchanting Bike Carriage Tour.

Yam, from Bangkok Thailand

As a true Utahn;

I would like to give you the Welcome-Package: Having lived in Utah since the late 70s & in Salt Lake since 1999. I have insider understanding of the local cultural, art and religion in this region.

Jordan & Heather from Austin Texas

I have been offering Guided Sightseeing City Pedicab Tours of Salt Lake City since 2014!

On summer solstice 1999, I arrived in Salt Lake City. This small lake city was a ripe concrete jungle. I tromped, rolled, walked to every nook, crack & cranny of this extraordinary little town. I have stories of buildings that don’t exist anymore.

Back in 2000, I had the opportunity to offer Horse-Carriage tours around downtown Salt Lake City, as well.

From small beginnings, to happy ending. Mowgli Adventures is sure to please your tourist desires.

🏡 90 min Salt Lake City Tours 🏨

Thanks, Mike!

🏡 90 min Salt Lake City Tours 🏨

Over delivering amazing experiences daily 11am-11pm

SLC’s Historical Cultures are hidden treasures!

SLC’s Best in Business!

🤝 Meeting new friends daily 💕

Pick up location Maps: 548 S. 700 E. SLC UT 84102

📷 “Book Now” for a Fun & Memorable Tour 🌇

Seating capacity:
4 People | Maximum 800 lbs

Tour Schedule: 6:00pm – 11:00pm | Wed – Sat

Tour Videos

💋 Sexy Sundaze downtown Salt Lake City, Utah 💞

Historical tour 🚎 Trolley Square and Liberty Park

🌞 Locals Say: “It’s a Memorable Experiences” 😎

💻 Online Booking is available! 💳

🌇 Book Now for our 90 minute tours🌃

🌃 Air B&B Experiences: Salt Lake City Tour 📷

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Historical Counterculture

🌈 Welcome to Paradise 🌴

Guardsman’s pass Flowering-Sunset over Solitude 11-22-2023

Top 10 things to do in Salt Lake City

Utah first Capitol building 1896 to 1915.

1911 Legislature commissioned a bond: 1 million dollars. Final cost of $2.7 Million dollars

1915 Construction was completed.

On October 9, 1916 The capital was open to the public. 162/visit-salt-lake/1275/salt-lake-brewery-tour-pass

Gladys the unicorn & Deadpool:
Salt Lake City Adventures Guide!

🌇 Open Streets Downtown SLC: Thurs, Fri, Sat 📣

🎭 Capturing the hearts of the community through art 🎨

🌆 The Historical Culture of Salt Lake City, Utah 🌃

1880 construction of the LDS temple

Salt Lake City, 1905. In this photo below of the Salt Lake City Temple, you can see the horse-drawn carriages and street car rails—1910-1930.html

😉 Mythbusters🔎 📖 Find your own truth📚

Joseph-Smith-ologist August 2023

The assassination of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), was a tragic event that took place on June 27, 1844. There were several factors leading to his assassination:

  1. Religious tension: The rapid growth and distinctive beliefs of the LDS Church, including new scriptural canon, communal practices, and claims of modern revelation, created controversy and religious opposition. This led to conflicts with other religious groups, particularly in the areas where the church was expanding, such as Missouri and Illinois.
  2. Political and social unrest: The Saints faced hostility and persecution from outsiders, including local political leaders and mobs. Joseph Smith’s presidential candidacy in 1844, along with assertions of political influence, raised concerns and fear among opponents, further contributing to the already tense atmosphere.
  3. Dissent and internal dissentions: Within the LDS Church, there were internal disagreements and dissenting voices amongst its leaders and members. Some former high-ranking members, such as William Law and others, became critics of Joseph Smith and accused him of various wrongdoings, including polygamy and abuse of power.
  4. Legal issues and conflict with the law: Joseph Smith faced several legal challenges and legal disputes during his lifetime, including accusations of treason and establishing an illegal bank. These legal problems heightened tensions and attracted attention from both supporters and detractors.

Ultimately, a mob attacked Carthage Jail in Illinois, where Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were detained. The mob’s motivations were complex and multifaceted, arising from a combination of religious, political, and social factors. Joseph Smith and his brother were killed as a result of the attack, resulting in deep sorrow and fracture within the early Latter-day Saint community.

April 6th 1892 Time Capsule

The first known overland travelers to cross the Weber River at this point were the Harlan-Young, Lienhard, and Donner-Reed parties of 1846. It was at this crossing that Lansford Hastings left a note telling the Donner-Reed party not to go through Weber Canyon. As a result of this note, the Donner-Reed Company blazed the trail from Henefer Valley to Salt Lake Valley, which the Mormons followed in 1847 and for the next 22 years.

The Mormon Pioneers Company of 1847 forded the river here on three different days: Orson Pratt’s Advance Party on July 15, the Main Group on July 19, and Brigham Young’s small group of 15 wagons on July 20. Brigham Young’s small group, which stayed with him because of his illness, camped 1/4 mile upstream from the crossing.

Both sides of the crossing were used as campsites by pioneers companies, and some who died were buried there. Fording the Weber River was dangerous. As wagons tried to cross the river, 2 to 4 feet deep and 100 feet wide, many mishaps took place. A ferry or raft, run by the Mormons, was being used 825 feet above this crossing as early as 1850. A footbridge was built at the Weber Crossing in November 1857 by members of the Utah Militia, and by 1859 a bridge was built that could handle stage coaches. Horace Greeley called it “the Shaky Pole Bridge.” Forney’s Bridge, erected by the U.S. Army in 1858, was located west-southwest of the “Witches Rocks.”

Joseph Smith was the founder of the Mormon religion, and he and his followers settled in Nauvoo, Illinois. Things got pretty tense between the Mormons and the other settlers. Smith declared martial law, which basically means he took control of the city with his own militia.
This didn’t sit well with the state of Illinois, and they saw it as a direct challenge to their authority. So, Smith was arrested and charged with treason for levying war against the state.

After the assassination of Joseph Smith in 1844, there was a period of transition and uncertainty within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Brigham Young emerged as one of the prominent leaders who helped stabilize the community and maintain unity among the members.

During a meeting of the church leadership in August 1844, Brigham Young, as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, took on the responsibility of leading the church. He believed that he had been chosen by God to succeed Joseph Smith and become the next prophet and president of the LDS Church.

Brigham Young’s leadership qualities, experience, and organizational skills greatly contributed to his rise as the leader. He guided the church through a period of westward migration, leading thousands of Mormon pioneers to settle in what is now Utah. Under his direction, the LDS Church continued to grow and thrive, establishing a strong presence in the Western United States.

Brigham Young served as the President of the LDS Church from 1847 until his death in 1877, making him one of the longest-serving presidents in its history.

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~Three gentlemen’s clubs: Freemasons Shriners Daughters of the NileFreemasonsFoundation: The Freemasons are the oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world. Their core principles focus on morality, charity, and brotherly love.Structure: Freemasonry is organized into local lodges where members progress through degrees while exploring philosophy, symbolism, and self-improvement.Membership: Membership in the Freemasons is open to men who believe in a Supreme Being (regardless of specific religious affiliation).Shriners (Shriners International)A Branch of Freemasonry: The Shriners are a specific offshoot of Freemasonry. To become a Shriner, a man must first be a Master Mason within the Freemason organization.Focus on Philanthropy: Shriners are known for their distinctive red fezzes, parades, and their primary focus on philanthropy.Shriners Hospitals for Children: Their major philanthropic work centers on Shriners Hospitals for Children, a world-renowned network of 22 hospitals providing specialized pediatric care for conditions like burns, orthopedic needs, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate, regardless of families’ ability to pay.Daughters of the NileThe Women’s Connection: The Daughters of the Nile is a female fraternal organization with strong ties to both Freemasonry and Shriners.Eligibility: To be a member of the Daughters of the Nile, a woman must be related by birth or marriage to a Shriner, Master Mason, or a member of the Daughters of the Nile. They can also have been a patient at a Shriners Hospital.Philanthropic Support: Their primary mission is to actively support the Shriners Hospitals for Children through fundraising, sewing projects, volunteer work, and donations.In Summary:Freemasons: The core fraternal organization.Shriners: A specific branch of Freemasonry, heavily focused on philanthropy and the Shriners Hospitals for Children.Daughters of the Nile: A related women’s organization with close ties to both Freemasons and Shriners, dedicated to supporting the Shriners Hospitals for Children.

📷 “Book Now” for a Fun & Memorable Tour 🌇

Tour Schedule: 6:00pm – 11:00pm | Wed – Sat

Schedule a Tour: Here

Buy a Gift Card: Here

Seating capacity:
4 People | Maximum 800 lbs

📷 “Book Now” for a Fun & Memorable Tour 🌇

Tour Schedule: 6:00pm – 11:00pm | Wed – Sat

Schedule a Tour: Here

Buy a Gift Card: Here

Seating capacity:
4 People | Maximum 800 lbs

Customer Reviews

Spring Break Sightseeing, Scientist!

Co patrons of

Yam business consultant from Bangkok Thailand

Most romantic sunset spot… just visiting my girlfriend. Most romantic tour please…

Westin and Izzy’s parents took the tour too!

Weston and Izzy 1 Year Anniversary

GRATUITIES Are sincerely appreciated and is solely at your discretion. We work hard to give you an amazing experience worth remembering. We look forward to seeing your face light up with excitement from this educational, photography, Adventure! ( Money is greatly appreciated and/or Even better is a 5-Star rating )

548 S. 700 E. SLC UT 84102

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548 700 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84102

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$30: Photo Package
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📷 “Book Now” for a Fun & Memorable Tour 🌇

Seating capacity:
4 People | Maximum 800 lbs

Tour Schedule: 6:00pm – 11:00pm | Wed – Sat

📷 Customer Photos 🎨

Stephanie from Turner, Oregon was born in SLC

Utah Monolith

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Ryan Jenks is a sweet, inquisitive, backyard scientist with dad jokes till the sunset 🌄 If you enjoy watching science experiments; you’ll enjoy watching Ryan breaking things in slow-motion and finding the failure point of extreme sports equipment 🏁 vs 🆘 by Ryan Jenks

A to Z Educational Entertainment

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